Friday, January 30, 2009

I Just Know I Am Going to Lose Weight

How many times have we thought "I'm going to lose weight" only to put off buying clothing until we dropped 10 - 15 pounds or more. Those same pounds that just seem to hang around no matter what we do. Or reappear after we have lost them?

Anyway, what we need to do is concentrate on the here and now to make sure we are looking our best. Choose clothing that is right for your body type. Don't pay attention to the size label in the clothing - make sure the fit is right. Fit is critical. Avoid lots of ruffles, laces, horizontal stripes, etc. Make sure you are wearing flattering colors and patterns.

At Sassy Lady we carry tummy tuck jeans and slacks, teez-her slimming tops and other items to help smooth the body lines and help us look our best. Remember, that we work with your body type, season color and fashion personality. We never let you leave the store in with something at is unflattering.

So, don't wait, start looking your best everyday!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Color and Image

Have you ever had a day when everyone asked you if you were sick even though you felt fine? This may have happened because the colors you wore that day were wrong for you. Wearing colors that harmonize with your natural coloring will enhance your overall appearance. If you are not wearing make-up colors and clothing colors that harmonize with your natural coloring, you will look tired and washed out. Wearing the right colors will enhance your natural coloring and give you a vibrant, confident look.

And, did you know, that the older we get the more important it is to wear the right colors as the wrong ones actually make our lines and wrinkles appear more prominent?!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter Skin

As we age our skin continues to mature and change. It's just another thing that we have to be vigilent about taking care of. So often, during this time of year, our skin will look tired and dried out. The answer is not more moisturizer. What we need is a good exfolliator which will remove the dried out top layer of our skin and allow the moisturizer to do its job. Once you have exfolliated, you will notice that your skin has a more youthful glow. Exfolliating applies to your lips and the rest of your body, as well. If you have questions on what to use, we are here to help!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Image Workshop

Did you know that Sassy Lady teaches Image Workshops? We have hosted several in our store; however, we are now offering a special service where we come to your business. Does your staff need help with their professional image (not dressing properly for the job, too many body piercings,hair unkept, etc), we teach about body types, fashion personalities, and how to core wardrobe to make the most of your investment. We also will tailor our presentation to your specific areas of need.

Another issue is the manner in which they treat your clients/customers. An example of this happened just the other day when I was out shopping and made a sizeable purchase. A cashier handed me back my change along with the bills and my ticket all wadded from her hand to mine and said, "There you go." I repeated back to her, "There I go?" And, she said, "Yes, there you go." Needless to say, I went. But I also made a big mental note never to go to that store again. A simple thank you or thank you; we appreciate your business seems non-existent anymore. We must teach and train our customer service representatives on how to handle the public. They are the front line to get us more business or to cost us business.

If you want additional information on the seminars, please contact us.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Here's a heads up for a fun event that we will be hosting on February 10 from 5 - 8 p.m. We are celebrating YOU. Come and network with other Sassies and enjoy some time eating fine chocolates, drinking champagne or sparkling grape juice, relax with a mini-massage, hear about/experience accupunture and its healing affects and receive a mini-manicure. It's all free and happening at Sassy Lady.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shoe Tip for Winter Weather

It was a treat to experience a shoe-shine from a real expert. Our boots were covered with winter salt and had those ugly white lines on them. Needless to say, they were in desperate need of a good shine. However, before our expert set to work he gave us one of the best tips. He mixed a little vinegar with water and it removed the salt stains from our leather boots! That paved the way for a great shine.

Since then, I have used this trick several times as the winter weather wreaks havoc on leather shoes and boots.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Wonderful Trip

On Saturday the Sassies took a trip up to the Merchandise Mart to see what was new in gift items. Needless to say we found several things that will soon be hitting our store. However, our very favorite was CHOCOLATE! Now we know that, as a boutique, we are all about unique clothing and accessories; however, we srongly believe that chocolate is an accessory!

We think you will love the taste and the delightful packaging of the chocolate bars we selected. The first is a milk chocolate labeled EMERGENCY CHOCOLATE. The directions state that it is for the immediate relief of chocolate cravings, lovesickness, exam pressure, mild anxiety and extreme hunger. Just tear open the wrpper, break off desired dosage and consume. Altenatively massage into the affected area. Repeat dosage as required until finished. If symptoms persist consult your local confectioner.

Our dark chocolate pick was dechox - a mind detoxifying chocolate treat. Dechox is a chocolate delight to detoxify your mind of all that bad mood food. Combats negative vibes like cravings and provides all the energy your body needs for regeneration, liver cleansing and going on weird diets.

We know you will love our chocolate pick. We will have some special ones for Easter and intend to add "No Weight Gain Chocolate," "Bochox," "girthControl," and "The Ultimate Balanced Diet" soon.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Here in Central Illinois we are trying desperately to stay warm as it is the coldest it has been in decades. However, at Sassy Lady it is heating up with a NYD Tummy Tuck Jean Sale. These jeans actually make you look one size smaller. And, who doesn't need that after the Holidays?