Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lose 47 Pounds by Memorial Day

I was in the check-out lane at the grocery store and every magazine cover was screaming at me - lose weight! The very best one was "Lose 47 pounds by Memorial Day." All I thought was - good luck. Whatever that diet program recommended sure couldn't be concerned with overall health when we're done. Then, the cover of the Enquirer was jumping off the shelf to show pictures of bodies (mainly their butts) that shouldn't be on the beach let alone in a swimsuit. It's no wonder women are hung up on their weight and/or body image!

Every time I am in the store, I will have ladies trying on an outfit that they look great in. They look in the mirror and then pick out that one thing they don't like about themselves - my hips are too broad, my legs are too long, I don't like my neck, my back is funny, and the list goes on. Why? We need to look at ourselves in the mirror and say, "Oh my gosh, do I look great today!" "I love this outfit on me." "Boy, am I pretty!" And, that list should go on!

So the next time you are out shopping or you look in the mirror . . . listen to what message you are delivering to yourself. You deserve better from you!!

1 comment:

Mary-Lynn said...

This is a great post. I think women are by nature, perfectionists. We expect perfection in our performance, and in our appearance. That's just not the way real life works. Let's do a better job of celebrating what we are, and less time lamenting what we aren't!