Friday, April 10, 2009

Unforgettable Comments

Have you ever had someone say something that you NEVER forget? Well, when I was younger (longer ago than I want to admit), I was watching a show on looking your best. Anyway, the man that was giving tips was talking about mature women and stated, "When your body goes south, you need to head north!"

As I have "matured," I realize more and more what he was trying to get across. When we think about what we wear, how our hair frames our face (shape), the jewelry we choose to put on, etc., we want our look to draw attention to the face/shoulder area. Why? Because very few of us have the model figure. (There are exceptions - like "A" body-type women, but this is a good, general rule).

When you get dressed and look at yourself in the mirror. Think . . . how can I "pull" my look up? Maybe it's your hair - a new, fresh style that is shorter and more flattering. A large pin at your shoulder. Large earrings that draw focus to your face. A bright scarf, creatively tied that adds color to your outfit and enhances your skin tones. There are a lot of different options. Just remember, to think "north!"

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