Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Requested Recipe

During our "I LOVE ME" event, we had prepared some chocolate goodies and received several requests for the chocolate/caramel "cookie" one. Here goes:

1 cup butter (don't substitute)
1 cup brown sugar
45 saltine crackers
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup nuts

Heat the brown sugar and butter on the stove to a rolling boil and boil for three minutes.

Place the cracker on a cookie sheet covered with tin foil. (Do this before you boil your brown sugar and butter). Spread the brown sugar mixture over the crackers.

Place in a 350 degree over for 5 minutes. Remove from oven.

Pour the milk chocolate chips over the crackers. Let melt and spread. Sprinkle with nuts (I prefer chopped pecans).

Let cool.

That was where my recipe ended. However, I have learned that you don't want to let them get too cool before you cut and take off the tin foil. I hope you enjoy them as much as our family has!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Back from Vegas

We just returned from a buying trip to Vegas. They have one of the largest shows around and we found some very exciting things that we believe our customers are going to truly enjoy.

How would you like to go on vacation and pack 24 different shoes into the space of one shoe box? Well, you are going to be able to do just that with the shoes we will be receiving in March. And, they cover sizes 5 through 13!!

We also found a purse that you can do the same thing with - one purse with over 40 different looks.

And, what is the piece de resistance? Clothing that YOU design. Pick the style YOU want, the color or colors YOU want, the placement of the colors YOU want, even put YOUR initials on it or pick the saying YOU want, if YOU want that, and the list goes on. YOU will love this line - not only is is fun and colorful, but it is comfortable and something that you can dress up or down! Watch for our announcement as these lines come in!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Yes - Chocolate Can Be a Health Food!

As Valentine's Day rapidly approaches one of my fondest wishes is to be so thin that someone - anyone - gives me a box of chocolate just to fattin' me up! So far, it has never happened.

Anyway, did you know that chocolate can actually be good for you? Even smelling chocolate can increase the theta brain waves and result in relaxation. Plus, chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine, a mild mood elevator.

Some other benefits (based on university and other scientific studies):
- Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in your blood.
- Serotonin levels in the brain are raised when you eat chocolate which results in a sense of well-being.
- The flavanoids in chocolate may help keep blood vessels elastic.
- Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate before a meal may actually diminish your appetite.
- The oleic acid in the cocoa butter is a mono-unsaturated fat which may raise good cholestrol.

If you are a dark chocolate lover, you should know that dark chocolate contains more cacao and less sugar than milk chocolate. So it follows that any health benefits would be more pronounced in dark chocolate.

So, go ahead, enjoy your box of Valentine's chocolates! I only hope, this year, I get one!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's in a Fabric?

Fabrics are either natural or man-made. There is a third group of fabric blends that, properly manufactured, can combine the rich look and comfort of the natural fiber with the easy-care properties of the man-made.

When wool is blended with polyester the color and the texture of the wool overpowers the polyester to give the cloth a rich look and feel; yet the polyester content prevents excessive wrinkling. Best blends have higher natural fiber content - say 55% natural with 45 man-made.

Natural fabrics absorb moisture and last longer. One good natural fiber choice for spring and summer is gauze. Sassy Lady carries a full line of Oh My Gauze which is a wonderful item. The fiber allows air to flow through the garment, which has a cooling effect in hot weather. All OMG is wash and wear.

So check out the fabric content when you are clothes shopping. It is important for the long-term wear of your garment.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Proportional Dressing

The "perfectly proportioned" body can be divided into four even parts. However, if a body is out of proportion in any area - and most of them are - clothing and accessories can be used to create the illusion of perfect proportion.

Remember that perfect proportion is something that usually happens in your eye, not with your measuring tape! You can creat the illusion of perfect proportion.

There are several things that go into this. The first one is line. Remember that vertical lines lead the eye up and down the body creating a lengthening, slimming effect.

Two vertical lines placed far apart will broaden and shorten your look.

Horizontal lines generally broaden and shorten the body. One would not want a horizontal line to stop at a problem area - this is especially true of jacket and skirt hemlines!

Diagonal lines are wonderful because they keep the eye moving across the body. They make you look thinner.

Asymmetrial lines also make you look thinner.

Curved lines follow the contours of the body and are most flattering.

We will continue to talk about proportional dressing in later blogs. If you have any questions or comments, you can respond here or call us at 309-688-5680. Better yet, come into the store and let us help you look your best!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do You Know Your Fashion Personality?

Did you know that you have a fashion personality? You could be dramatic, romantic, natural or classic. It all depends on what your own personal "style" is.

Have you ever bought something on sale that you just knew you would wear only to have it hang in your closet forever? It could be that what you chose was inexpensive, but it wasn't "you." Maybe it had ruffles and you are not a ruffle person. Anyway, it is important to know your style before you go shopping - ultimately it will save you money even when you pay full price. Knowing your fashion personality is as important as knowing your body type and season colors.

Not sure, let us help you out. We not only welcome our customers into the store, but we work with them to ensure they will look their best when they leave. And, knowing all these things about you is part of that process.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bring On the Bling

Everyone loves Christine Alexander and all the embellishment with Swarovski crystal. But, did you know, that she guarantees her clothes for life. The Sassies personally own a lot of Christine Alexander's merchandise and, in the years that we have had her clothing, we have experienced only one problem. A small pink crystal came off a shirt. We sent it in, and sure enough, it came back looking brand new again!

With her line you might pay slightly more, but the crystal work is beautiful, the shine lasts, and it's all guaranteed!

This is a great gift item, too, as everyone appreciates her caps and make-up bags.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Peace Sign

Did you know that this is the 50th anniversary of the peace sign? It is everywhere - on clothing, in jewelry design and much more. I am just wondering if anyone cares. Of course, I remember when the peace sign became a big deal. But, I don't care to celebrate its 50th anniversary. What about you?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Body Types

One day, when I was shopping with my sister, she said to me, "Why does everything look right on you and not me?" Well, the answer was simple - she has a different body type than I do.

My sister is the most common body type in the U.S. - she is one size smaller on top than the bottom. At Sassy Lady we refer to this as a "G" or, we are sure, you have heard it called a pear. Dressing for this body type requires something different than when you are a "T" - which is what I am and is one of the easier body types for selecting clothing.

At Sassy Lady, we work with all our customers to insure they are dressing right for their body type. If you don't know what body type you have and what are the things to look for when you shop, let us know. We schedule on-going classes and will gladly fit you into one.