Monday, February 2, 2009

Body Types

One day, when I was shopping with my sister, she said to me, "Why does everything look right on you and not me?" Well, the answer was simple - she has a different body type than I do.

My sister is the most common body type in the U.S. - she is one size smaller on top than the bottom. At Sassy Lady we refer to this as a "G" or, we are sure, you have heard it called a pear. Dressing for this body type requires something different than when you are a "T" - which is what I am and is one of the easier body types for selecting clothing.

At Sassy Lady, we work with all our customers to insure they are dressing right for their body type. If you don't know what body type you have and what are the things to look for when you shop, let us know. We schedule on-going classes and will gladly fit you into one.

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