Friday, February 6, 2009

Proportional Dressing

The "perfectly proportioned" body can be divided into four even parts. However, if a body is out of proportion in any area - and most of them are - clothing and accessories can be used to create the illusion of perfect proportion.

Remember that perfect proportion is something that usually happens in your eye, not with your measuring tape! You can creat the illusion of perfect proportion.

There are several things that go into this. The first one is line. Remember that vertical lines lead the eye up and down the body creating a lengthening, slimming effect.

Two vertical lines placed far apart will broaden and shorten your look.

Horizontal lines generally broaden and shorten the body. One would not want a horizontal line to stop at a problem area - this is especially true of jacket and skirt hemlines!

Diagonal lines are wonderful because they keep the eye moving across the body. They make you look thinner.

Asymmetrial lines also make you look thinner.

Curved lines follow the contours of the body and are most flattering.

We will continue to talk about proportional dressing in later blogs. If you have any questions or comments, you can respond here or call us at 309-688-5680. Better yet, come into the store and let us help you look your best!

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