Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do You Know Your Fashion Personality?

Did you know that you have a fashion personality? You could be dramatic, romantic, natural or classic. It all depends on what your own personal "style" is.

Have you ever bought something on sale that you just knew you would wear only to have it hang in your closet forever? It could be that what you chose was inexpensive, but it wasn't "you." Maybe it had ruffles and you are not a ruffle person. Anyway, it is important to know your style before you go shopping - ultimately it will save you money even when you pay full price. Knowing your fashion personality is as important as knowing your body type and season colors.

Not sure, let us help you out. We not only welcome our customers into the store, but we work with them to ensure they will look their best when they leave. And, knowing all these things about you is part of that process.

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